Supporting You & Your Pet Throughout the Year – Your Vets in Camberwell | AJM Robson

One of the most common reasons for visiting vets is to get up to date on vaccinations, ensuring your pet is protected against dangerous and often deadly diseases and infections. AJM Robson, based in Peckham and popular amongst Camberwell residents, keeps abreast of the latest advancements in medicine so that any new vaccines for existing or recently discovered threats are available to you.

We know that for both animals and their owners, visiting the vets can be a stressful experience – especially when an inoculation is involved. But our caring team look to place animals at ease, so that the essential task is over and done with in as short a time as possible, with minimal fuss or drama! We love nothing more than to build long-lasting and rewarding relationships with Camberwell clients and their cherished pets, while ensuring their immune system is safe against nasty viral intrusions.

Routine Vaccinations – Dogs, Cats & Rabbits

However, you may be wondering exactly what vaccinations protect against. Below, we’ve run over a few of the most common/routine vaccinations that our vets issue Camberwell’s animal community.


Parvovirus – A serious health risk and extremely contagious, parvovirus can spread when dogs make contact with each-other, and through faeces. Considering the amount our dogs socialise when out on walks or visiting friends and family’s households, it’s essential this vaccination is in place.

Hepatitis – While hepatitis in humans is curable, it is not in animals. It will quickly spread throughout the bodily fluids and be transmitted to vital organs. It can cause liver failure, seizures, jaundice and in many cases, death.

Leptospirosis – Vets, like our own in Camberwell, often refer to this as “lepto” for convenience’s sake. It’s a bacterial infection that is caught via contaminated water, and spread through rat urine. Due to the fact dogs will often drink from puddles and other bodies of water, vaccination is very important.

Distemper – Vets most commonly find distemper in younger dogs whose immune systems are yet to fully develop; this virus is especially worrying as it can spread via the air!


Feline Leukaemia – As with leukaemia in humans, the immune system is the target here; weakened, it can lead to subsequent, relatively minor illnesses leading to serious issues and even death.  

Feline Enteritis – Symptoms include severe vomiting and diarrhoea, which should always be treated seriously by paying a visit to our vets, based close-by Camberwell in Peckham. Vaccination against enteritis is important due to its high degree of contagion and often fatal results.  

Cat Flu – Linked to Feline Herpesvirus and Calicivirus, cat flu should be warded against with routine vaccinations.


Myxomatosis – The key with this diseases is acting quickly, as it can be fatal in just over a week. Due to potential delay in identifying symptoms, it’s a vital vaccination for all rabbit owners in the Camberwell area.

RVHD1 + 2 – These are two separate strains of Rabbit Viral Haemorrhagic Disease which is infectious, and can cause fatal instances of internal bleeding.

There are many preventable diseases and viruses which can be easily staved off with standard vaccinations. So if you’re not sure if your pet has had theirs, book in a consultation with our Camberwell vets.

So pick up the phone and call AJM Robson near Camberwell on 020 7701 6452. Our vets provide a welcoming, safe environment for both pets and their owners.

Please be aware that all consultations are available on an appointment-only basis.

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35 Highshore Road
SE15 5AF

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About Us

Our services are primarily targeted toward pet owners in southeast London but we are by no means exclusive in where our clients come from. We have many clients who have moved away from the local area but who continue to use our surgery because of the excellent services they receive.